~ Here are some people who exposed inside information.
Is it more convenient to assume they're all lying? ~
David Adair - 'Rocket Man,' Area 51 employee,
and expert of AI and advanced symbiotic technology. article & rumble
Newly Added
Remi Adele - Former Navy Seal with his story of fighting Hyman traffickers and organ harvesters. rumble & youtube
Jeanette Archer - Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivor, turned public awareness speaker.
Ellen Atkins - Experimented on as a child,
her MKUltra story has gained steam.
Kevin Annett - Author and founder of ITCCS-International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church
and State. article & murderbydecree.com
Dr. Norman Bergrun - NASA Scientist,
engineer and author of 'The Ring Makers of
Ronald Bernard - A whistleblower of occult practices and child sacrifice among the banking industry elites. article & youtube
Dr. John Brandenburg - Renowned plasma
physicist, suggests mars suffered a planetary nuclear massacre. Links: 1, 2, 3 & youtube
Dan Burisch, AKA Dan Crain - Microbiologist, who worked with an ET named J-Rod at Area 51. danburisch.info & youtube
Code Monkey Z - Conspiracy theorist,
renown coder, and congressional hopeful.
William Cooper - Author, ex-military, former
radio show host, and famed conspiracy theorist.
Philip J. Corso - Army Colonel, author & researcher of ET technology from the Roswell crash. Links: 1, 2, 3, book & youtube
The Day the Earth Changed - Documentary about corruption, manipulation and exposing
Henry Deacon, AKA Author Neumann -
Bases on Mars, time travel, free-energy devices.
Bill Deagle - Foreteller of the New World Order
and biopharmaceutical enslavement agenda.
Bob Dean - Former U.S. Sergeant Major, and UFO researcher, insider and contactee.
Links: 1, 2 & Amazing youtube Interview!
Gene Decode - Navy Veteran and insider
on Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s)
Claire Edwards - Former UN staff member speaking out on the Covid genocide agenda.
Dr. Juliette Engel - 'Monarch' mind-control survivor, author, and trafficking founder of the Angel Coaliton. julietteengel.com & youtube
Catherine Austin Fitts - Investment banker
and former public official with excellent video
about PLANET LOCKDOWN. bitchute
Stanton Friedman - Nuclear Physicist,
UFOlogist, and Roswell incident investigator.
Benjamin Fulford - Investigative reporter on
the secret war for control of the earth.
Corey Goode - Secret Space Program (SSP)
alumni and contactee of the Blue Avians.
Newly Added
Geroge Green - Whistleblower of the elite's
plans to exterminate half the population.
Ted Gunderson - Former FBI chief who
revealed powerful information on a variety of subjects. Links: 1, 2 & youtube
Paul Hellyer - Former member of Canadian Parliament and Minister of Defense speaks out.
Illuminate the Darkness - Those who have researched and even broken free from occult system. illuminatethedarkness.org
Newly Added
Sasha Latypova - Take a deep dive into the vaccines with this retired Pharma contractor.
Bob Lazar - The first Area 51 informant, having worked with crashed UFO materials including 'Element 115'. Links: 1, 2 & youtube
John Lear - Former Captain of the Air Force
& C.I.A. pilot who has since revealed many
Anneke Lucas - Former child sex slave sold
to elite network, turned healing advocate.
annekelucas.com Links: 1, 2 & youtube
Dr. Carrie Madej - Warning of new vaccine
technology and its transhumanism connections.
carriemadej.com Links: 1, 2 & rumble
Dr.David E Martin - Man of many hats who
wrote 'The Fauci/Covid-19 Dossier.'
Molly MaCauley - World renowned scientist
killed for exposing vote manipulation using
Newly Added
Melissa McAtee - Former Pfizer employee
and vaccine quality auditor sharing her story.
Mark McCandlish - Advocate of free energy,
killed before offering to testify before the Senate.
markmccandlish.com Links: 1, 2
Dr. Judy Mikovits - Brilliant scientist who exposed corruption and the current plandemic.
Luc Montagnier - French virologist, discoverer
of AIDS, who spoke out against vaccines.
Kary Mullis - Nobel Prize winner and PCR test inventor who died in 2019 before the pandemic.
Dr. Andreas Noack - Renown chemist and top graphene expert, died after posting a vaccine lecture. Links: 1, 2, rumble & bitchute
Cathy O'Brien - MK Ultra sex slave survivor
and author of 'Trance: Formation of America.'
Janet Ossebaard - Documentarian of the film
'Fall of the Cabal,' a must watch 10 part series found. rumble & roxytube
Out of Shadows - Documentary about Mind-control, corruption in Hollywood and the Main Steam Media. outofshadows.org & youtube
Col. Fletcher Prouty - The real Agent X from the film JFK who revealed more throughout the years. prouty.org Links: 1, 2, & youtube
Seth Rich - DNC Staffer who exposed e-mails
that many believe lead to his murder.
Rebekah Roth - Flight attendant and author
of the 'Methodical Series,' covering 9/11 lies.
Aaron Russo - Film Producer, Director and
activist who exposed what he learned from those he knew. Links: 1, 2 & Clips: 1, 2, 3
Selection Code - Tina Peters made back-ups
of her counties voting server, and found more
than expected. selectioncode.com (video)
Kyle Seraphin - FBI whistleblower who came forward to reveal widespread disgust and dissent within the agency. Links: 1, 2, & rumble
Emery Smith - U.S. Air force veteran, scientist, inventor, and surgeon who has interacted with
Extraterrestrial life. rumble
The Sound of Freedom - The true story of Tim Ballard rescuing sex trafficking victims.
Sgt. Clifford Stone - UFO crash site specialist who telepathically communicated with survivors. Links: 1, 2, 3 & Clips: 1, 2
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - The voice of Health Freedom by exposing the pharmaceutical giants.
William Thompkins - Naval intelligence, aerospace engineer, and revealer of his secretive
life's work. all things, rumble
A Thousand Pieces - Must see documentary
intended to help awaken the masses to the lies
& deception. rumble
Ukraine on Fire - Documentary looks at the complicated country others want to control.
Watch the Water - New documentary about
the origins of Covid-19 and a possible end-game scenario. rumble
Gary Webb - Investigative Journalist who
exposed crimes that lead to his death.
Dan Willis - Top Secret Military witness who testified before the disclosure press conference
Newly Added
Maria Zack - Election fraud expert with evidence of international interference.
More to Come...
* There is no website more valuable for Whistleblower information and testimony, than ProjectCamelotPortal.com
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